Online Policy Event
Interreg North-West Europe FABulous Farmers
Join the online conference "Towards a FABulous CAP" on agro-ecology
This free online conference will focus on Functional Agro-Biodiversity measures for sustainable agricultural production, while also delivering benefits to the environment and society as a whole. During the conference we will present:
- An introduction to functional agro-biodiversity
- Examples of Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB) measures tested in 5 European countries (BE, FR, LUX, NED and UK)
- The project’s European Policy Paper and recommendations for the new CAP
- FAB and the EU environmental legislation (Mr. Humberto DELGADO ROSA, DG ENVI)
- FAB and the EU agricultural legislation (Mr. Pierre BASCOU, DG AGRI)
- Panel discussion
- EU policymakers (Mr. Jérémy DECERLE, Mr. Christophe HANSEN), Farmer Unions (Copa Cogeca, ZDLT, LTO) representative (Mr. Joris BAECKE, ), Researcher and Industry (Biobest) (MR. Felix Wäckers)
Are you a farmer, researcher, policy maker, practitioner or simply interested in sustainable agriculture? Then join our conference! You can follow the conference in English, French, German, Dutch. The event is interactive, you will be able to ask questions and exchange with the speakers. The conference is free and it is online but you will need to register to attend: